Awards – Apil 2020
Artist of the month – Apil : Dmitry Sokolov
First I would like to introduce myself, my name is Dmitry Sokolov.
When did art / design / photography become a part of your life? / How long have you been doing art?
It all started in 1995. He got carried away with the production of advertising videos and music videos. Then he did the design of printed products, typeset newspapers, magazines. In 1999 he worked in an advertising agency for the production of outdoor advertising.
In 2000, he founded his own full-cycle advertising agency - printing, video, websites, outdoor advertising, signs, published two newspapers and one magazine. In 2008, I already had a whole team of professionals - 15 people.
Since 2012, for two years, I have been building houses))) I designed and installed heating systems.
Since 2016 he has taken up sculpture. For 4 years now I understand that this is what brings me happiness)
Do you have a particular artist whose work you like?
Dali, Shishkin, Zurab Tsereteli
Do you work from life, photography or imagination?
In each case it is different: sometimes I just come up with something, sometimes the customer brings a photo or a sketch.
What technique (applicable for art / design / photography) do you use?
What is the role of the designer / artist in society?
To create beauty, to decorate the environment of a person and the surrounding space.
How do you feel when people interpret your design / artwork differently?
I am interested in any reactions, assessments of people - after all, each person is a separate universe - and everyone sees the world around him in his own way.
How do you feel after you are finished or while designing / drawing?
Basically I feel dissatisfaction - my perfectionism constantly bites me - “You could have done even better! And you do some kind of crap! "
What do you draw / paint / design, is it part of your personality?
Yes, of course - my work is my whole life experience.
Who or what inspires you?
I myself)
What advice would you give to aspiring artists / designers?
Don't stop, draw every day, don't be shy, look for new ways and techniques!